
  The Ruminate Business Unit (RBU) accounts for about 32% of the global animal health market. With the development of the modern dairy industry, more and more attention is paid to the welfare of dairy cows. We have also formulated different dairy health care solutions based on customer needs. Our The product is not only for the treatment of cow diseases, but also to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

  We provide the industry’s latest product portfolio to meet customer needs in the areas of breast health, postpartum health care, infectious disease control, parasite management and production performance improvement technologies, improve the health of dairy cows, and provide a comfortable milking environment for dairy cows. The company’s purpose is ” The Science of Healthier Animals-science makes animals healthier ” while adhering to the concept of “ based on cows-make cows more comfortable” . Not only provide high-quality products, but also provide comprehensive solutions to make your cows more comfortable and healthier!